Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day in Rome!

I woke up to quite a surprise today! Just when I thought it was safe to leave my snow boots packed away in Chicago, I opened the curtains this morning to find myself face to face with a snowy Roman morning. (shouldn't that be an oxymoron??) I'll admit I did a double take at the window...the "Chicago Winter Survivor" inside me wouldn't bat an eye at a light dusting of snow covering cars and streets - I'm so desensitized to winter weather I could drive through a snowstorm without batting an eye - but we're in the Mediterranean for goodness sakes! There's something just a little bit wrong about snow covered palm trees, no? From what I read, this only happens once in a great while...we're talking years! So, I'm chalking it up in hopes that this is winter's "Last Hurrah." ...Good riddens! I know the warm Mediterranean sunshine can't be far away now...I can almost feel my flip flops on my feet...

Roland's little snow-covered car

1 comment:

  1. It snows in Istanbul, too. We've had one snowfall so far, leaving a couple inches that were gone in two days. Mainly, it rains a lot in the winter, especially this winter.

    We liked the signs.The same mistranslations occur in every country. We've often wondered why the sign posters don't find a native English speaker to proof their work.
